Structural Steel Fabrication Procedure

What is a structural metal fabricator?


Structural Steel Fabrication
Structural Steel Fabrication

A Structural Steel Fabrication Procedure The welding process has been applied to manufacture hydroelectric power units, power generation units, bridges, commercial buildings, and private housing. Building superpower projects like Bonneville, Grand Coulee, Hoover Dam and Tennessee

Valley Authority Projects Called for Entirely New Methods

For the manufacture of water turbine parts and water power


Welded construction was first used extensively

74,000-horsepower hydraulic turbine at Bonneville

Project on the Columbia River near Portland, Oregon.

The units of this power project alone have 80,000 ft. is included

Gas cutting, 118,000 linear feet welding, 286,000

pounds of electrodes, and 6,450,000 pounds rolled

plate steel. The Bonneville Project demonstrated that

The following advantages were obtained from the use of welded

• A large number of patterns can be eliminated.

• Parts were prepared for machining more quickly.

• Due to the use of steel plates, there was practical assurance that the work of the machine would not be exposed

Defects with consequent replacement and delay. This

hurried up . was important because of the need


• Accurately tracked weight, allowing closer

Estimation of material cost.

• The amount of metal allowed for machining was reduced, as well as saving the time required for


• Precise scale models can be built and tested under

Same conditions as larger units.

• Composite construction can be used. of this type

Fabrication involves welding together of plate

Combination of steel and casting or forging, mild

steel and alloy steel, or a combination of the two alloys


• Welding was also responsible for the general savings

weight, together with more strength, and better

Design quality, efficiency and flexibility.

Bridge bridge is constructed wholly or partly by

welding process. For more than 50 years, steel bridges,

It has built both highways and railroads.


This means, and there is an increasing number of welded-steel bridges

The typical form of weight reduction possible in bridge construction is a savings of 421⁄2 tons over a bascule span.

Highway Bridge built in Florida. one hundred tons were

Removed in counterweight. fixed and expanded

Rolled-steel slabs were welded to the bridge shoes for strength,

Reliability, and economy.

Savings in typical steel bridges resulting from welded

construction, limit up to 20 per cent. if this savings

Extended for long distance road construction program

initiated by the federal government, sufficient

Steel could have been saved for the construction of the nearly 800-mile long highway girder bridge. actual cost comparison

Rivet fabrication and welded fabrication have demonstrated that there is a advantage in cost for welding


Welded Fabrication Construction.

All types of industrial and commercial buildings

Buildings are welded during construction. welding

Used to prepare gussets and perform field trimming operations. Incidentally, most construction equipment

Used on work (such as cranes, bulldozers, and concrete)

mixer) welded.

After the structural steel structure of the building

is completed, the continuous use of welding also accelerates

mechanical installations. plumbing and electricity

The conduit is welded to a constant length. air ducts

And the smoke riser is fabricated to the required size

by welding and cutting. welded electrical junction and

Panel boxes secured to columns and beams

by welding. transformers, switchboards, furnaces,

Ventilation equipment, tanks, gratings, railings and window panes are partially or fully prefabricated.

Once located, their installation and connection are

Made with the help of welding. change or addition to

The building or its equipment is greatly aided by


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