Welding Gauges Weldmetals

Welding Gauges Weldmetals


Welding Gauges
Welding Gauges

Welding Gauge

Welding Gauges: A number of specialist welding gauges are available  to measure the various elements that need to be measured in a welded fabrication including

Welding Gauges Multi-function 

  • Multi-function weld gauge for measuring many different weld measurements.
  • Fillet weld gauges for measuring leg lengths and throat thickness.
  • Hi-Lo gauge for measuring misalignment and root gaps
  • Angle gauges for measuring weld preparation

Welding gauge.Misalignment

The scale is used to measure misalignment of components by placing the edge of the gauge on the lower one and rotating the segment until the pointer contacts the higher piece



The scale reads from 0 in the negative up to 5m. The segment is rotated until
the pointer reaches the full depth of the undercut


Excess weld metal

The scale is used to read off these dimensions up to a maximum of 25mm and 1 inch


Fillet weld leg length

The scale is used to read off these dimensions up to a maximum of 25mm and 1 inch.


Fillet throat thickness

The sliding pointer reads up to 20mm and 3/4 inch. In measuring throat thickness it is assumed that the fillet weld has normal root penetration

Plate Inspection Checklist

1) Use a pencil for the arrow lines, but make all written comments and measurements in ink only
2) Do not forget to compare and sentence your report
3) Report everything that you can observe
4) Do not forget to date & sign your report
5) Make any observations, such as recommendations for further investigation for crack-like imperfections.


Plate Thumb Print Report

After you have observed an imperfection and determined its type, you must be able to take measurements and complete the thumbprint report sketch

The first thumbprint report sketch should be in the form of a repair map of the weld. (i.e. All
observations are Identified Sized and Located)

The thumbprint report sketch used in the CSWIP exam will resemble the following.


Plate Thumb Print Report
Plate Inspection Final Report

After you have completed your thumbprint report sketch of your test plate the next step is to
complete your final report again the report must be completed in ink (no pencil).
The report must be completed to your thumbprint sketch, do not leave any boxes empty, every box
must be completed or dashed out.

It would be best if you also made any comments you feel are necessary regarding any defects observed.

The report form used in CSWIP will look like the following example.


Plate Inspection Final Report 1



Plate Inspection Final Report 2


Thank you 


Welding Fillet Gauge


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