jigs and fixtures weld metal

 jigs and fixtures weld metal
jigs and fixtures
jigs and fixtures 

 jigs and fixtures Welding is a valuable aid to tooling in meeting the requirements for mass production, and it owes

the economy. For these reasons welded jigs and fixtures are Universally used in the aerospace industry,

A standard difference between jigs from fixtures is that a Jig is one that mounts on the workpiece, whereas in a fixture The workpiece is placed on, in, or next to it. Blue

The structures in the figure are fixtures and the yellow structures are jigs. With an aluminum orange peel structure in the middle.

The advantages of welded steel jigs and fixtures are maximum strength and accuracy for closure

Tolerance. Cost savings of up to 75 percent, time savings of up to 85 percent, and weight savings of up to 50 percent can be achieved.

allows a wide range of welding applications, Simplifies design, and reduces machining. May has modifications to meet design changes made easily. Machine tools, for the manufacture of steel Some advantages over cast iron are:

• Steel is two to three times harder

• Has resistance about four times that of steel Cast iron has fatigue resistance to fatigue about 7,500 pounds per square inch (p.s.i.), While steel's 28,000 to 32,000 p.s.i.

• Costs one-quarter to one-half as much as steel The cost of high-rolled steel is approx. 40 percent per pound as cast iron and as much as 25 percent cast steel

• Steel is three to six times stronger in tension Two equal size bars showed that the cast iron bar broke 26,420 psi, but the mild steel bar 61,800 psi.


• Steel can withstand heavy impact in a test, a shock The cast iron part broke off with a 9-pound sled. Twenty The duplicate part bent under the blow of the sled, which Was made of steel.


• Steel is uniform and reliable its homogeneous possibly more economical and more structurally sound Design.

• Steel can be welded without losing desirable physical, A weld in steel, made by a shielded metal arc process, have physical properties equal to or better than

Cold-rolled steel and many types of handling machinery are now weldments. Other manufacturers are using welding for many accessories, pipelines, chip pans, and sub-assemblies.

In this work, the flexibility of welding is provided by a milling machine bed made in one piece and manufactured in lengths of 10 to 25 feet without any manufacturing difficulty. Broaching machines, which are used for precision machining of the plane and curved surfaces, rely on welded construction.

The manufacture of machine tools requires the use of bars, shapers, and heavy plates up to 6 inches thick. Bed sections can be up to 98 feet long for large planers and profilers,

One of the largest (about 35 feet long) devices of its kind, the horizontal cylinder block broach has construction features that would be nearly impossible without welding. For example, a rough bed for a certain broach would have required over 40,000 pounds of casting.

heat-treated alloy parts, mild carbon plates, sheet steel,

Iron and steel castings, and forgings where appropriate, were used. Due to the welded construction, the bed only weighed 26,000 pounds. Each member was made of the right mechanical type of material, and the whole was a rigidly reliable unit.

Physical properties of steel

Tensile Strength...................................65,000-85,000 p.s.i.

Ductility ........................................ 20–30% elongation / 2 in.

Fatigue Resistance................................ 25,000–32,000 p.s.i.

Impact resistance.............................50–80 ft-lb (Izod)


Today some manufacturers make complete and feature

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