History of welding timeline

When was welding first used?


History of welding

History of welding timeline -Welding is the joint of 2 plate and
By heating to a sufficiently high temperature the
metal causes
soften or thaw, with or without application
of pressure, and with or without the use of
filler metal.

Any filler metal used contains either the melting metal or the melting metal is approximately the same

a point that is below these metals but above 800 degrees

Fahrenheit (degrees Fahrenheit).

New methods, new applications and new systems have

Growth continued over the past few decades. Continuing research makes welding a dynamic leader in the industrial sector.

American people. By simplifying and accelerating industrial processes and making it possible to develop environmentally friendly industries such as wind and solar power,

Hybrid powered vehicles, plants producing biofuels,

as well as continued development in nuclear, fossil fuels

With continued space exploration and use, it has increased the world's supply of goods.

If you want to make something made of metal,

You can fasten the parts by bending, using screws or rivets

parts, or even sticking parts. However, a quality

Long lasting, attractive, safe product best crafted

by using one of several types of prevalent welding


History of metallurgy

Metalworking began when primitive people discovered that

they could shape the rocks by cutting them with other

The first metal to work rocks was probably pure

copper soft Available. Tensile means easily hammered, bent, or

drawn into a new shape or form. excavation in egypt

And now what use in the United States indicates

Copper as early as 4000 BC and 2000 BC. before,

respectively. copper mines more than 4,000 years ago

were on the Sinai Peninsula and the island of Cyprus

Work done.

Archaeologists have determined that bronze was

3000 and 2000 BC ever developed between iron

Europe came to know about 1000 BCE, several thousand years after the use of copper. around 1300 BC

The Philistines had four iron furnaces and a factory for making swords, chisels, daggers and spears.

The period of 800 BC replace iron after

Bronze as a metal used in the manufacture of utensils,

armor, and other practical applications. a welded iron

The headrest for Tutankhamun (King Tut) was designed around

1350 BC

They were demanded because welding 

by their strength and ferocity. he had a deep edge

Likely to be able to cut or cut a heavy iron spear

The most delicate fabric that floats in the air. swords were

Made by forge-welding iron bars of various degrees

hardness, pulling them down, and repeating the process

many times.

Work of metals - copper, bronze, silver, gold,

and iron-great ancient civilizations followed each other. By the time of the Roman Empire, the use of

Iron was common in Europe,

The arc was first discovered by Sir Humphrey Davy in 1801.

When he was using electricity. She

was mainly related to the possibilities of

Use of arc for illumination. By 1809 he had demonstrated that it was possible to maintain high voltage

arc for different periods of time. till the middle of

In the nineteenth century, practical power-generating devices were invented and developed on a practical basis.

These inventions were the forerunners of the current arc.

Welding Process. 

ARC welding process
ARC welding process

The first documented example of fusion welding was

Introduced in 1881 by Auguste de Meritens. they welded the lead

Battery plate with carbon electrode. two of

His students, N. Benardos and S. Olszewski saw the possibilities of this discovery and experimented with arcs.

Powered by batteries charged from a high voltage dynamo. After four years of work, he was released

Application of The process involved fusion welding of metals, cutting metals, and punching holes in the metal. Although he experimented with solid and hollow carbon

sticks filled with powdered metals,

solid electrode

increased in the early 1930s. one of the first high

Frequency, Stable AC Industrial Welding Machine WS

Introduced by Miller Electric Manufacturing in 1936

company. the AC. welding machines have since become

Popular because of the high rate of metal deposition


Absence of arc blow.

World War II spurred the development of inert gas

A patent was issued in

Hobart and Devers since 1930 for the use of electric arc

in an inert gas environment. process was not good

Due to the high cost of argon received by the industry and

Lack of helium and suitable torch equipment.

The following procedures include the use of: Electric arc:

• Arc Spot Welding

• Atomic-Hydrogen Welding

• Electrogas

• Plasma arc welding

• metal joining

• submerged arc welding

• Underwater arc welding

Other specific procedures include:

• Cold Welding

• Electron Beam Welding

• Explosive Welding

• Forge Welding

• Friction Welding

• friction stir welding

• Laser Welding

• Oxyhydrogen Welding

• Thermit Welding

• ultrasonic welding

• Welding of Plastics

There are over 90 welding processes in use today.

Industry demands in the future will force new and improved developments in machines, gases, torches, electrodes, processes and technology. ship building,

do continuous research for space, and the nuclear industry

New metals, which in turn promote research in welding.

At present, five welding unions provide guidance

and standards related to the welding industry.

• American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

• American Petroleum Institute (API)

• American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

• American Welding Society (AWS)

• US Bureau of Shipping (ABS)

Industrial Welding Applications

Welding is not a simple operation. Over 90 different welding processes in three major . is divided into

Types: arc, gas and resistance welding. number of others

Types like induction, forge, thermit, flow welding, and

Brazing is used somewhat less

The following welding occupations require high School Education:

• Welding Operator

• Welder Fitter

• Combination Welder

• Master Welder

• Welding Supervisor

• Welding Analyzer

• Inspector

• Welding Foreman

• Welding Superintendent

• Equipment Sales

• Sales Exhibitor

• Sales Troubleshooter

• Welding Instructor

• Robotics Welder Operator

• Job or construction shop owner

Some welding professions also require a college. Education:

• Welding Engineer (Metallurgical)

• Welding Development Engineer

• Welding Research Engineer

• welding engineer

• Technical Editor

• Welding Professor

• Certified Welding Inspector (AWS/CWI)

• Corporate Executive

• Welding Business Owners

• sales Engineer

safety and working condition

Welders perform a wide variety of tasks in almost any environment. They can do light or heavy welding, indoors or

Outside, in spacious surroundings or cramped quarters.

Often they work in strange conditions in boiler shops,

Shipyards, tanks and piping systems. the work may be very noisy (hearing protection will be required), and

Welders may have to work on scaffolds higher than the ground

(requires use of a safety harness)

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